
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Zipppp....the summer went fast

Here it is, the last day of September. I haven't written since June and wonder if I should bother any more. My days are the same, one after the other, with not much different, so that through the summer, I had a hard time keeping the days straight. I didn't go anywhere, or do anything special, except a birthday meal out with my girls.
The real excitement here on my mountain was getting hit with a hurricane on the first weekend of September. We were without power for 50+ hours. We don't have a generator, so we have lost everything in the big freezer, and the fridge freezer.
It was quite a job, but managed to get all the stuff out of the freezer, separate each item in order to recycle, and get the food into the green bin. I did it the night before garbage pickup. to keep from getting a visit from a wild animal. Fun and games. Not really, but it's done and the big freezer is thawed out. Leaving door ajar for a few days, then I'll give it a good once over with soda and vinegar. Such a waste though, such a waste.
I've begun Choir practices again, and started to prepare and choose music for the Fall. The community Ukulele group has started as well, and I'm glad of that. I need the time to just enjoy, without being in charge.
The mornings are crisp now for the most part. Leaves are changing colour, and falling. My poor flowering crab tree is not going to last much longer. The leaves start falling in August, some branches are dead and most are covered with moss. I can't even remember if it had many blossoms this year.
........It is now 5 days into October so I will post this today, otherwise it will be November before it gets posted.

Hope you all have a great fall.
I don't know when I'll get back to this.