How can I catch the tail end of a TV program that the Captain was watching, and end up in tears because one of the characters died. Grant you, it was ER, but I haven't seen that show for years. What is up with me.
I had this open, hoping to at least start a post. I've been thinking that I might try posting this way. I don't always have a lot to post, but if I start, save, then do a bit more till I feel I am finished, then publish....I'll see how that works. It's worth a try.
Another day - We went to a community picnic last evening, an annual event. People from two small communities get together to eat, laugh and catch up on news. The communities have changed a lot over the years, and now there are a lot of little ones. They had special games for the kids, including a pinata. They had a great time swinging at it, and of course gathering up the fallen candy. What I really enjoyed was the opportunity to play my uke with three other gals, one on a mandolin, and two with guitars. We had a fun time. It was a new experience for me, playing with others. We played a lot of old songs, some I didn't even know, but just followed along. We played before folks ate, and then for a while after. I was having such a good time I didn't realize how sore my left hand and arm were getting. I finally had to stop, though I hated to. Today, my hand and arm are a little sore, but it was well worth it. Such a great time.
Desire to do something different hits me every once in a while. I was going through my cupboard, and saw my clay supplies. One package had not been closed tightly, and was drying out a bit, and not very malleable. Mmmmmmm, waste not, want not. I tried to soften it a bit with water, but it really wasn't workable enough, so I formed some different shapes and then began scraping, which is something else I do to lose myself in.
The sticks are not clay, but carved Popsicle sticks. (Don't ask)
It is now 3 days after my uke playing, and my arm and hand are still hurting. It can't all be from that evening of fun, but I don't know. I have been helping Dawn out in the raspberries, not doing too much, just tending the UPick. I'm not helping today, so I thought I would finish this up and post it. Looking back, it is a real mix of things. I took some pictures in the field, and also the almost finished result of the 'scratching.
The rows of berries
Even though it is 3 weeks into the picking there are still lots of berries
They are tasty
A berry pickers best Blue and Yellow friend
close up of sunflower, including earwig in petal
clay things, painted, but not varnished
sticks painted up
The varnishing will bring out the colours a bit more
Back to the field, and the rows of sunflowers
The field fairies have built a home in the shade of the sunflower leaves
Picked berries for an order
And....finally I will post this