Oh my head is spinning with so many thoughts....things I want to do, or need to do and how to find the right time to do them. I so much want to get back to painting and felting. I seem to waste a lot of time just sitting and thinking. This is not a good thing, considering how the thoughts I have are defeatist thoughts. It bugs me to no end, but how do I convince myself that I can do better. It is like my direction forward is out of control, and I don't know when the next obstacle or tight curve will appear out of nowhere, and I stall out.
Ramble, ramble....I should be content, I tell myself. With all the horrible things that are going on in the world I should be thankful that I have a life and a home, freedom and peace.....but...... there is always the old 'but'.
Since I wrote the above, I have taken the Captain to the camp again. Perhaps that will be the last time for a while. The weather has taken a turn and following quite a bit of rain yesterday, cooler temperatures have come and perhaps real fall weather. In the early days of this week the temperatures were more like summer, and with the humidity, it was not a comfortable time for the pickers in the orchard. Today will be much better. The crop looks very good this year and Dawn, once again has done well with her orchard.
Choir has gotten started, but our Bible Study has not met yet. Hopefully we can start on Monday. We shall be slogging our way through 2 Kings.......
I am still having a hard job settling on things. This is a new day, and I am not sure how many days have passed since I started this post. Anyhow, I think I will post a few pictures and call it done.

Choir has gotten started, but our Bible Study has not met yet. Hopefully we can start on Monday. We shall be slogging our way through 2 Kings.......
I am still having a hard job settling on things. This is a new day, and I am not sure how many days have passed since I started this post. Anyhow, I think I will post a few pictures and call it done.
A stop on one of the camp trips
Aslan doing one of his crazy flips

Such a sweetheart
Always on the desk, covering what I am working on.
Thanks to those who read these posts.
They may be few and far between,
But I will continue to keep at it.
Perhaps things will improve.