
Friday, February 28, 2025

February Ends ...

 ... and not a day too soon. What a month it has been. We've had snow, rain, and freezing rain. It took two days to knock the ice off my car. I did it once and of course it happened again, though not as heavy. It was a real workout each time. Getting the snow off the car is also a workout. 

My back porch is not covered, and the ice built up to about three inches. It took a couple of weeks, salt and a temperature increase to chip it off. This winter, my driveway has been plowed 11 times, and last year, I think it was plowed 4 or 5 times. 

My sleepy little boy, behaving or pondering badness?

This was the 17th of February. It was snowing and blowing.

Aslan was not too impressed with the cold and the snow.
We put the carpet down over ice to keep from slipping.
Then it had to stay there until this Wednesday.

This is how we began the month, taken looking North. 
This is the road where our community mailbox is.

There is not too much else to write about. We have had snow and rain yesterday and last night. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get a lot of rain, then lose power and have the basement flooded. It has happened before.

I cannot believe the things that are in the news today. I get so upset. I just feel like screaming. What is this poor old world coming to. It is very discouraging to say the least.

Well I'll sign off for now. The first day of Spring is coming next month. Aslan and I say YAY!