
Friday, August 17, 2012

Ironwood Visit

Finally, I made a trip to Ironwood. Took the big, old truck and headed off around 9am. There is construction going on at Windsor, so had a long wait, going and coming home. No problem. I wasn't in a rush.  Managed to find my way without missing a turn, except for the driveway, which is sort of hidden, and I recognized it just as I was passing. I laughed at myself, found a place to turn around and turned in to start my day at the farm. I had waited a long time to get there, and was quite proud of myself, first for taking the truck and second for getting there without getting lost. When you aren't the driver, you miss the roadmarks, and this was the first time on my own.

I really like to take lots of pictures when I'm there. I told Heather that I had more pictures of Ironwood than anything else. There is just something about the old place and the outbuildings, the tunnel and green house, and of course, my favourite, the sheep, that make me pull out the camera and start shooting.

It is a very busy place, people coming and going, and lots of things going on. Heather and I went to pick blackberries, and encountered some very interesting spiders.

The spider is difficult to see, but it is upper middle.
Some were quite big, and when we got back to the house we discovered that they were black-and-yellow Argiope. Their presence made us very careful where we picked. Heather did most of the picking, I stared a lot at the spiders.

It is a beautiful place, and it is right on the Avon River. Here are a few shots from the field we were in, looking to the river. This field is across the road from the farm house site.

The little lambs had grown of course, so I made my way around the various fields to visit them. First off, I went to see Luke, and his "girls".

On my way to visit the ram lambs I met "Wilbur" , who posed for me quite nicely.

I called him Wilbur, influenced by my visit with the spiders across the road.

They are still beautiful, and friendly.

I have so many pictures to share, that I will post again on Ironwood. Suffice to say, it was great seeing Heather and Rupert, and spending a day at my favourite place. 

Managed to get caught in a real downpour coming home; a rain so hard that I pulled off the 101 and took the old highway until the rain slowed.

All in all a great day.
Will post more pictures next time.


  1. Yay for driving in a big truck to Ironwood Farm!

    And yay for Ironwood Farm!

    1. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Ironwood is special, as are the folk who make it their home.

  2. Hi Bonnie,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Ironwood to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
