
Monday, December 3, 2012

A Dreary Day

     Well, we certainly go from one extreme to another weather-wise, here on the mountain. A few days ago, we had snow, and icy roads and frosted windows, and today it is warm, wet and windy. The grey clouds hang heavy and the day is very dark.

I couldn't see my bird friends at their feeder, but I could hear them. The window is now clear, and the feeders, dripping from rain showers.

Our church held a Christmas Luncheon for our Seniors in the community. It was well attended, and each person brought an item for the food bank. It is a great time for all these folks to have a good chat about what has been going on in each other's life since they last saw one another, have good laughs about past events, and generally enjoy a time of togetherness, with a great meal served up by the Church social committee. I've been a senior for a while, but I keep forgetting. Lindsay and a friend Leanne sang a couple of Christmas songs, for the entertainment. We can always count on these girls to sing, whether for something like this or in a service. It is so nice to have the young ones eager to do their part. Some of the youth went out in the afternoon, to gather food bank items. There is a challenge among area churches to see who can gather the most food for the food bank. There is a great need for the food bank here, as well as in other areas across our province.
This Wednesday will find me at the local residential home, to play for our WMS group, as we do some carolling and serve some goodies. The folks always enjoy our coming, and the singing of Christmas songs.

I haven't heard from the printers yet, and am getting a bit concerned about my cards. I'll be patient, (I am working on that this week) and give them a call if I haven't heard anything by mid-week.

Hurray! Our Bible Study group has finished the first five books of the Bible.  It has taken us quite a while, but it has been a real adventure, book by book, chapter by chapter. We are weary after tramping in the wilderness for forty years. In the new year we will begin our conquest of Canaan, with Joshua. 

Hope everyone has a good week, wherever you may be.


  1. Our weather has varied too,Bonnie. It's much brighter today, but it has been very dreary at times. Your Christmas Luncheon sounds fun, just like the one our branch of the Mothers' Union had last week as our last meeting of the year. It's good to eat together like this.

  2. Bonnie, you could have put all this in your cards! See, you do have lots of newsy things to share. (Don't think they are too ordinary.) I love that you keep forgetting you are a senior. :)

    1. I really don't live a very interesting life, but then, I don't know what I'd do if it was one exciting event after another. I probably couldn't cope.
