
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dreary November Sunday

Ah, November, what do I do with you. It seems to me, that you are a very dreary month, and you cannot decide what weather you will have from day to day. A few days ago, it rained all day, yet the temperature was warm. Yesterday, no rain, but the wind was ferocious, and chilled me to the bone.

And, as usual, it seems to me that the closer November 11th gets, the drearier your weather is.

This morning, our church held a Remembrance Service, before worship. We are one of the few communities that has its own cenotaph. I always find the remembrance day services so moving, especially the reading of the names of those from the community who fought and died in the wars. As I stood there, with my feet freezing, and snow falling on the gathering, I thought to myself, that as cold and uncomfortable as I was, it was nothing, compared to the exposure of our soldiers to the elements, and the horrible days they went through.

Perhaps it is good that the days of remembrance are dark and dreary, reflecting the hearts of many family members who lost fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers and today, sons and daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters.

The day is dark, windy and cold
We stand at the cenotaph
Shivering, with head bowed.
A moment of silence
in honour of those who fought and died.
Their days were dark, windy and cold,
their silence broken by the sounds of guns
and seeking safely in the muck and mud,
they hoped to see the morrow.
For some, this hope was not fulfilled,
as life blood poured out on the ground
and tomorrow never came.
Yes we should remember
those brave souls who fought and died,
and pray that the peace they died to save
will someday, with us abide,
That we might see tomorrow.
Lest We Forget


  1. You're so right about the dreariness of most November weather, Bonnie. our sunny day yesterday was a one-off and the rain has returned. I often think how dreadful life in the trenches must have been in winter. Shivering at a war memorial once a year is the least we can do to acknowledge their sacrifice.

    1. Bob's dad fought in the trenches. It must have been terrible. Hope that all is well with your eye. I had to wear that eye patch too, but only for three nights. I almost hated to take it off in the morning because of the tape. Just keep saying, it is worth it.
      Blessings Perpetua.

  2. Sometimes I think that the weather mirrors our mood.....and sometimes I think it's the opposite. But do you know, November is my favorite month, in spite of its being fickle. It's the month of my daughter's birth, and every year I look forward to it with aplomb. <3

    1. Weather definitely affects my mood, or mirrors it as you say. You and Margie have the same reason for enjoying November, birth of a child, and that is a very special reason.

  3. Bonnie,
    Our November so far has been wonderful but we are expecting snow on Thursday so we shall see how I like it after that....LOL
    My son was born on on November 26th so I really love November.
    I really enjoyed your poem.

    I will be back to blogging on Dec 5th, God willing.

    Sending you a hug and a smile.
    Hope today has been a good day for you.

    1. Thank you Margie. We have had rain, and wet snow, that didn't last long. It made the ground white, then disappeared. Do take care, and I am looking forward to you blogging again. You are a sweetheart. Sending hugs your way. Blessings.

  4. What in the world should we do with November, indeed, Bonnie? You either gotta love her or hate her. I'm trying to love her to pieces so it will be easier when the skies are so gray. :)
