
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Lambs, lambs, and more lambs, hooray!

 Well, I finally got to go to Ironwood Farm, to see Heather and Rupert, and all of those baby lambs. Oh, it's my happy place for sure. It was cold, but it was great to see all the ewes and their little ones. And we had takeout lunch from the Flying Apron, which was so good. (It always is).  I got the Captain's lunch and supper ready for him, so he could get them himself, and off I went with Dawn and Lindsay. A whole day away, to my happy place. YES!!!!! Rae and Colton joined us and we had a great day together.

Several of the lambs need extra nourishment and are bottle fed. There were several sets of triplets and I think some quads. Now I must say that I was so busy looking that I didn't get pictures taken. Duh.

Here we are feeding one group of lambs

This is a special little girl, whose name is Squishy.
Rupert found her squished by probably her mother's foot, and
she was cold and needed attention. She spent some time in the
house, and seems to be none the worse for wear, but she likes
snuggles. I could have snuggled her all day.

I asked Lindsay to take a picture with my phone, and she did,
every 30 seconds. When I looked I had about 12 pictures of me and Squishy.
I won't bore you with the rest of them.

Their little faces are so sweet.

I do believe that this is one picture that I managed to take.

This is the farm, with its snowbanks.

This is the snow at my place

And, I could not post without a picture of Aslan. He 
missed me while I was gone. I think this is the longest I have been 
away, since last February.

Both the Captain and Aslan survived the day.

As a caregiver, the few hours away were a welcome change of pace. Good for the spirit, emotions, mental health, and mind, (which I am slowly losing).


  1. Oh, I'm glad you could get away for awhile. being with the lambs seems like perfect distraction .

  2. So glad you could take this little time away to see the newborn lambs. What sweet faces! Stay well, Bonnie.
