
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Winged Visitor and More..

Today is a rather chilly and overcast day on the South Mountain. The trees are beginning to show their green dresses, and the wild pear their white blossoms. A friend mentioned seeing a humming bird, so they are certainly here. I have prepared some sugar water, in hopes that some will find their way to my feeder. I usually have what seems like a pair, and on the rare occasion perhaps three or four, and I always enjoy them when they come. I suspect a nest is nearby, but I can't find it. They are so tiny, and usually up quite high in a tree. I have searched my pictures thinking I had some of my humming birds, but no luck.

This past Friday, Dawn and the girls and I drove to Halifax to see a play, put on by the Halifax Independent School. The play, The Boyfriend, was directed by Heather, and it was extremely well done. We all enjoyed it very much. It is amazing what kids in middle school can do. There was singing and dancing and a young man, who acting as an old man, stole the show. He was a riot. So good.

Saturday, I attended an Open House for friends who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary. There was a wonderful turnout, and very enjoyable. This is the couple I painted the picture for, and was nervous about how they would like it. I am so glad to say that they did. I couldn't share the picture before, but I will now.

And now to our winged visitor. For the past several days, we have been hearing a noise, that sounded like there was a bird, stuck in our chimney. After the first time, I knew a bird was not in the chimney, because the noise stopped.  The next day, it was back, and Sadie was barking, which she normally doesn't do. This noise, however is not to her liking, and she couldn't quite figure out where it was coming from.  Yesterday, we saw what was creating this annoying sound. It is a Hairy Woodpecker, who seems to enjoy pecking on the metal rim at the top of our chimney. I can not understand why it keeps returning. It is making a valiant effort to do something, but is not getting too far, and is not doing its beak any favours, if you ask me. This morning, at 7:30 the peck, peck, pecking was back, and Sadie was barking. I went outside, hoping to get a picture of this alarm clock, but as soon as she noticed me, off she flew.  I tried a second time and still no luck. I wonder if she'll be back tomorrow......?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Bonnie! Good luck with that wild pecking hairy woodpecker. (We had a wild pecking robin for a few years. Drove us crazy.) Our first hummingbird came yesterday...up went the feeder. It's truly approaching summer, methinks.
